How to Change Your Login/Email Password
Passwords expire every 90 days. This is the maximum allowable time permitted by TCSG policy. Passwords can be changed from a faculty or staff computer on campus (whether they are expired or not) by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del. Passwords can also be changed at any time, online, using Okta.
To change your password if you are on campus (even if it is expired):
- Log into your computer
- Press Ctrl-Alt-Del
- Click Change a Password
- You will have to enter your current (old) password
- Next, you will enter a new password in the next two boxes. Hit Enter.
Reset Password/Forgotten Password
- Go to the GNTC Okta page, and click ‘Need help signing in?’
- Then click ‘Forgot Password’.
- Enter your email or username and click how you would like to validate your identity. (text code, voice call, etc.)
Password Requirements
If you have problems changing your password, your new password may not meet the necessary complexity requirements. These requirements are:
- It must be at least 14 characters long
- It must contain an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, and a number
- It cannot contain part of your username
- It cannot be a password that you have previously used
Emergency Only
If you have tried the above methods and are unable to change your password please contact the person listed below. When calling for a password reset, you must provide your Banner ID and your assigned campus for identification purposes. For security purposes, we cannot email a password change to you.
- Primary Contact: Micah Mulinix – 706-291-3344
- Secondary Contact (if the primary is unavailable): Jeremy Watts – 706-712-0729, or Ted Glenn – 706-764-3659